I can honestly say I have never been the type of person that sketches for fun or in my free time. I am excited to say that practice has actually made me a much better drawer, who would have thought? I have always been a fan of drafting because I enjoy the structure, lines, and order. This semester I have been able to improve my techniques in drafting and expand my knowledge in that area of the class.
Lately I have really enjoyed sketching due to the fact that what im drawing actually looks like something. I use to get really frustrated at the thought of sketching; however, now putting hours and hours into practicing I am excited to see how each drawing will end up. This course has helped me view subjects/objects in a different way that enables me to draw the three dimensional thing onto a flat piece of paper. I see my biggest improvement in my sketches. I am still learning so I am not the best at quick, timed drawing but that is now another area I can improve on. When sketching self portraits, light through glass, or food, I usually spend at least an hour on each drawing (half the time is erasing) but i think it is really paying off...
Leaves, September 4 |
This was one of my first drawing, we were assigned to draw leaves.
Nalgene Bottle, October 7 |
This was an in-class drawing of "light through a clear object," I was having difficulty in showing a 3D nalgene bottle. I really needed to focus on shadows and shading and that helped me to mentally understand drawing on paper.
Self Portrait, October 28 |
This is one of the self portraits I did and was very please with. I estimate this picture took me about two hours to complete.
However one of my favorite drawing I completed this semester was one of the many walnut drawing we were to draw. I spent a great deal of time on this drawing and was surprised to see it come together so well. I enjoy the contrast of the walnuts and the Greensboro city silhouette in the background.